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Lessons From The Storm: 7 Steps to Turn Breakdowns into Breakthroughs

by Melissa Myers


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We all go through trials and tribulations in our lives and thank goodness we do!

It is one of the main ways we grow, evolve, expand and re-connect with our truest selves. At least it can be. It is no easy task, but neither is staying stuck. We may be facing devastating loss, the effects of trauma or any variety of hardships.

Perhaps the winds of change are howling through our comfort zone and our we are being pushed to our edge. Instead of bracing and hardening against these storms, let us learn to embrace them and harness their power. Rather than getting swept up in the turmoil and thrown off the precipice into crisis and breakdown let us instead learn to dance along our edges, break through our inner barriers and soar to new heights.

That is what this book,
Lessons from the Storm - 7 Steps to turn Breakdowns into Breakthroughs was created for, to facilitate the kind of deep transformation that allows us to navigate our way through, discovering a plethora of hidden treasures along the way.

It is a simple, effective formula derived from more than 20 years of personal experience and professional training that is guaranteed to help you discover the gold in even the rockiest times of your life as well as the inner strength and resilience beneath the layers of conditioned reactions.

Experience how your heartache, anxiety, or adversity can be a portal to a remarkable inner world and the hidden magic of life.

This book will help you to...
  • Begin to feel relief and hope immediately.
  • Connect to and increase your inner power.
  • Navigate your storms with a greater sense of confidence and clarity.
  • Start enjoying life with a renewed sense of purpose.
  • Feel more empowered and truly alive.
  • Alchemize obstacles into opportunities.
  • Discover the unlimited potential of your being and develop the capacity to handle anything that comes your way.
  • Gain resilience, emotional intelligence, and inner peace.
  • Turn breakdowns into breakthroughs
Turn breakdowns into breakthroughs and discover how life's storms can be a portal to remarkable strength, inner peace, and boundless potential!

"As a Spiritual Teacher and Author, I am honored to celebrate my dear friend, Melissa Myers, for sharing her profound gift with those ready to break free from destructive cycles and step into the light their soul desires and deserves. If you’re seeking a deeper understanding of how the Universe is working for you, not to you, I encourage you to read Lessons from the Storm: 7 Steps to Turn Breakdowns into Breakthroughs. Melissa’s practical and transformative steps will guide you to turn your pain into a pathway back to love."
—Sunny Dawn Johnston, Author, Inspirational Speaker, Spiritual Teacher, and Psychic Medium