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Inspiring Women: Living an Unstoppable Life with Purpose, Power, and Passion

by Marie Fratoni


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Inspiring women make up the  integral threads in the tapestry of life.  Each thread has a purpose and is essential to creating a world that is filled with opportunity and garners opportunities for so many others.  These inspiring women have claimed their space in the world of business, overcoming life’s obstacles, hardships and curve balls, and they have stayed the course to fulfill on their vision and purpose.

Authors: Betty Emrey, Sherri Danzig, Alison Chandler, Felicia Morris, Gretchen Stein, Donna Davis Hill, Paige Nathan, Adele Wang, Sandy Rasch, Tashana Thompson, Susan Gall-Quettan, Karen Osbourne, Carolyn Ross, Debra Walters, Nadia Rahali, Stacey Ruth, and Biviana Franco.